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Calculating Business Carbon Footprints

About the Course

There is a lot of talk about Science Based Targets, keeping below 2 Degrees and Carbon Accounting, but how does an SME take advantage of this knowledge?

In this workshop we teach SMEs how to calculate their business carbon footprint using accounting and HR data, the principles of the GHG Protocols and recgonised conversion factors.

This 1/2 day workshop explains what a Carbon Footprint is, why it is important, how to measure it and what to do with the data insights.

Here at SDG Changemakers, we are on a mission to help businessses understand sustainability and how to embed it simply and easily into everyday business practices.

Training Objectives:
  • Module 1: Understanding Climate Change: We will explain why sustainability is vital and how understanding Climate Change can postively impact both the business and the planet.

  • Module2: Understanding Greenhouse Gases: We provide a comprehensive understanding of GHGs and the science behind them and their relevance in today's world.

  • Module 3: Carbon Footprint Action Plan: Workshop participants will learn how to calculate their carbon footprint aligned to the GHG Protocols and be equipped to reduce emissions with practical strategies based on the data insights.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Participants will gain a deep understanding of Climate Change,

  • The effects of GHGs and understand how to calculate a Carbon Footprint,

  • Understand how to use the data insights to create an Action Plan to reduce emissions.

Why not get in touch, and see how we can help you.

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